Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vanessa McBride

Wednesday Women’s Power Walk-ers: What does it mean to me?

First let me say:
      1)  I don’t have any blood relation to any those who are a part of this ministry, nor have I married into this group. I am simply an eye witness to the amazing women involved and am overjoyed to be able to share this with you.
           2)  Don’t let a great opportunity pass you by to read the entire web page
           3)  You are loved and you are NOT alone!
           4)  Feel free and come see us or tune in weekly to hear the lessons and take part in the study.
           5) When you get tired of visiting or viewing contact us for so that we can get you to a place where you can be baptized for the remission of your sins!

WPW has filled a void that I didn’t even know existed until the prayers for the class began. That void was a need to be part of a women’s ministry that look like the words: UNITY, LOVE, AND KINGDOM CHRISTIANITY.

For me Unity was defined as: togetherness, like mindedness and I thought Sunday worship fulfilled that definition. But I missed the most important part of the Lord’s definition . . . STUDYING in like-minded togetherness while WORKING TO BRING SOULS TO CHRIST.  I also, like most women, longed to see the love that is evident each time you walk into a room where there are WPW. But I, just like most women, was leery because “too many women in the room will just make for cattiness”. Praise the Lord that there were prayerful women who listened to the Spirit and were led to the wonderful ministry work we call WPW.

I enjoy the fellowship, the love, the safety, and the enriching studies that we have (and will) undertake. But most importantly to me is knowing that: I AM NOT ALONE. That the feelings of praise to our Father, the love for Him, and any struggle that I go through with my hand in His is being praised, shared, and shouldered with other Christian women who are living Kingdom Christianity.

I could feel pages to encourage people to participate, but the most effective is to simply to share the same invitation that the Lord gave to each of His apostles and to us daily: Follow me.